Barrhead Movie Theatre

Roxy Theatre

Now Playing

Playing May 11th to May 16th. Rated PG. this movie will NOT play Friday night. There will be NO matinee's for this movie.

Coming Soon

Barrhead Recreation presents.
The Artist Showcase was a success, thanks to the sponsors and volunteers that put the show together. and a big thanks to all the bands, And fans.

Concession Prices

Popcorn  Large-$7.00  Medium-$6.00  Small-$5.00

Pop  Large-$5.00  Medium-$4.00  Small-$3.00

Candy  Large-$6.00  Medium-$5.00  Small-$3.00

Admission Prices





2 and under are free

$2.00 extra for all 3D movies

Hours of operation


Wednesday-Showtime 7:00

Thursday-Showtime 7:00

Friday-Showtime 7:00 

Saturday-Showtime 7:00

Sunday-Showtime 7:00

Doors open a half hour

before showtime.